Corporate governance and advising boards or directors
Corporate Governance, for both listed and non listed companies, is also an area of expertise for LEGAL 21 ABOGADOS. J. Félix de Luis, apart from having been member of the Board of Directors of the Securities Exchange Commission-Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) and Chief Compliance Officer (Assistant General Manager) at BANCO SANTADER CENTRAL HISPANO, has also been a Professor of Corporate Governance in a very well known University such as “Instituto de Empresa-IE”, and at the Institute of Board of Directors, ICA.
LEGAL 21 ABOGADOS also works in the area of Advising Boards of Directors, by acting its Managing-Director either as an Outsider Director of listed and non listed companies, or by providing advice to Boards of Directors and/or acting as Secretary of the Board and/or Advisory Lawyer.